I have a tab on my Facebook fan page called "Fan of The Week". Its a n application that automatically chooses a new fan and recognizes them for a week. So, how does one become a "Fan Of The Week? Well, its very easy. Fan of the week stats are compiled by visitors' interaction with the my page. Visitors get points awarded for their visits, comments, posting pictures, "likes" etc. More interaction increases your chances for getting picked. Another way of getting selected is by "becoming a candidate". Clicking on the "Fan Of The Week" icon (which is located on the top right portion of my timeline) will take you to the candidate sign up page. At the moment the chances of being picked are in your favor as I don't really have heavy traffic to my page. Its essentially a ground floor opportunity to interact with me and be able to say "Hey I knew him when". Head on over to my fan page and get involved! I'll be waitin' for ya.